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Please take some time to read through this section. By submitting a form and booking a service with Kim Annesley (the stylist), you (the client) agree that you, and all members within your booking, are covered by the following terms and conditions:



Dates cannot be held provisionally and a non-refundable booking fee is required to secure a wedding date.  A booking fee payment relates to cost associated with time spent on correspondence, admin and paperwork for each client booking, including holding your date secure and declining all subsequent enquiries for your date. The booking fee is not a cost associated with styling. The booking fee will be deducted from your final amount payable (your final balance). A booking fee is not transferrable to another date. Should you wish to change your original wedding date, subsequent date changes will be subject to a new booking fee.




Trials are to be paid in full on, or before, the date of the trial.

Final balance

The final balance is to be paid at least 4 days before the wedding date, if you are paying electronically. If you are paying in cash on your wedding day, payment must be made before styling begins.


The final amount payable, as outlined in your Booking Confirmation, applies throughout, with the exception for additional add-on styling, where the final amount will increase. A minimum charge applies for wedding party styling and will be advised in your Booking Confirmation. 


The client will cover any necessary accommodation and travel expenses. These costs will be outlined in your Booking Confirmation. Parking charges / restrictions will need to be notified in advance and covered by the client.


If the client wishes to make a change to their booking, changes will be reviewed with reasonability / travel distance / timing etc taken into consideration, before a new agreement is made. If the client makes a significant change to the booking, for example: the getting ready location is changed to a significantly more distant location from what was originally stated, and therefore unmanageable for the stylist, this would be treated as a cancellation by the client. See cancellation policy below. How changes are dealt with ultimately depends on the significance of the change(s) to the original booking.


Cancellations by the client

You reserve the right to cancel your booking at any time. Please note that the following charges will apply:

  • Loss of non-refundable booking fee. 

Should you wish to change your getting ready location from what was originally agreed, and I am unavailable to travel to your new getting ready location, for example, due to an excessive travel distance, the following charges will apply:

  • Loss of non-refundable booking fee. 

Cancellations outside of your control

If you need to cancel your booking due to an emergency or a circumstance outside of your control you must be able to provide proof. For example, if your venue or flights have been cancelled, your booking fee can be transferred to a new date without charge. If I am unavailable on any new date, the following charges will apply:

  • Loss of non-refundable booking fee. 

Cancellations by the stylist

  • In the event that I have to cancel your booking due to a booking clash (date changes are happening constantly at present and booking clashes are common), preference will be given to the party that has already had, and paid for, their hair trial. The party that I have to cancel will be refunded their booking fee in full. 

  • In the event that I am unable to attend your booking due to illness, injury, personal emergency or a circumstance beyond my control, I will endeavour to source a replacement stylist. However, this cannot be guaranteed and if I am unable to find a replacement stylist, you will receive a full refund including booking fee, less any trial costs already paid for. 

  • I reserve the right to refuse / cancel a booking if payment is not received, incorrect information is given by the client at the time of booking, contact or communication cannot be made or you do not respond to my communication in the week before the wedding, or, if a booking fee has not been paid in order to reserve a date.

  • I reserve the right to refuse to conduct styling on any member of the wedding party at a trial or on the wedding day if a clients hair is not deemed to be in a suitable or healthy condition for styling - for example, but not limited to, contagious conditions such as lice or chemically damaged hair. In such instances, refunds will not be given.


It is the responsibility of the client to inform the stylist(s) of any issues that may affect the use of electrical hair styling equipment or hair styling products for all parties within the booking. This includes chemical treatments to hair, poor hair condition, prior damage to hair, sensitivities, allergies and any medical conditions. I accept no liability for any loss or damage that is incurred due to the clients failure to inform me of any known conditions and reserve the right to refuse service to the client or any members of the party who may be deemed at risk. 


You agree that you and your hair, including everyone who is having their hair styled at trial / on the day of the event can be photographed and that these photos can be used on the stylist websites, social media or anywhere else deemed fit, purely for purpose of business. Information collected from you will be stored safely and is used to carry out your instructions or to contact you. There are no circumstances under which this information might be passed to a third party. All records are destroyed within a set time frame as set out by Data Protection law. 



By law it is required to keep records of your services, and this includes personal data. Your personal data is stored securely and is not visible to anyone other than the stylist at any time. These records are kept for six years, after which time, if you are no longer a client, your personal data will be destroyed. Records will be automatically deleted at the six year point after your last appointment.

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©2024 by Kim Annesley Hair

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